Carpet Installation - Design Floors - Advanced
This course is aimed at those looking to incorporate bespoke designs into their carpet installations. Learn how to successfully add inset borders, motifs and designs into flat areas and stairs. This 3-day course is a must for any installer looking to enhance their range of skills, allowing them to truly stand out from the crowd.
Course content - What will you learn?
- How British Standards BS 5325 (Textile/Carpet) affects traditional installation
- Room shapes and their effect on the installation
- The tools, equipment and PPE required for traditional carpet
- The importance of correct material selection including gripper, underlay, woven carpet and finishes
- Double stick installation (Overview)
- Comprehending how products are affected and their behaviour based on the environment they are installed in
- How to identify the need to repair
- Proper use of tools, equipment and PPE
- Accurate installation methods for underlays, gripper, carpet, adhesives and finishes
- Correct planning and cutting of carpet to meet complex design installation requirements
- How to create, measure and cut in desing floors, borders and motifs
- Double stick installation methods including application of adhesives and scrim/hot melt
- Appropriate stretching techniques / double stick installation and cutting in
- Accurate joining and seaming processes for desing floors
- How to dress and finish an installation
- Confidence in correct products, tools and equipment selection when creating design floors
- Increased belief in the ability to install design floors
- Self-confidence to correctly advise customers on installation of design floors, motifs and inset borders
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Course Details
Domestic & Commercial Installers
This Course is available on request, on a date to suit your requirements. Please contact FITA to make arrangements for this course.
"Very well run course, very enjoyable, learnt a lot."
Carpet Installation - Design Floors - Advanced