Carpet Installation - Traditional - Advanced
Learn how to correctly install traditional woven carpets with confidence. This course includes pattern alignment, correcting bows and skews, carpet repairs and hand-sewn double bullnose. Discover the correct approaches and techniques for the most complex aspects of traditional carpet installation.
Course content - What will you learn?
- How British Standards BS 5325 (Textile/Carpet) affects traditional installation
- Room shapes and their effect on the installation
- The tools, equipment and PPE required for traditional carpet
- The importance of correct material selection including gripper, underlay, woven carpet and finishes
- Double stick installation (Overview)
- Comprehending how products are affected and their behaviour based on the environment they are installed in
- How to identify the need to repair
- Proper use of tools, equipment and PPE
- Accurate installation methods for interlays, underlays, gripper, finishes and double stick (overview)
- Correct planning and cutting of carpet to meet complex patterned carpet installation requirements
- Appropriate stretching and cutting in techniques for traditional woven carpets Pattern alignment, stretching patterns, bow and skew correction and stair installation
- In depth power stretching methods and techniques
- Accurate joining and seaming processes for traditional woven carpets
- Correct preparation and installation of hand sewn double bullnose steps
- How to repair carpet including re-tufting
- Confidence in correct products, tools and equipment selection when working with traditional materials
- Increased belief in the ability to install woven materials
- Self-confidence to correctly advise customers on installation of traditional woven carpets

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